Butchery & Bushcraft Cooking Course


Spend a day with our experienced Game butcher Robbie, where he will guide you through breaking down a lamb or deer carcass and how best to cook them.

10:00 AM – 21:00 PM (Full Day Course).

SKU: butchery-bushcraft-cooking-course Category:


As an experienced game hunter, qualified in game butchery. Robbie has spent many years hunting in both the UK and Africa. Growing up in an anglo indian house hold this course is a fusion between cast iron & open fire cooking.

Starting at 10am with a brewery tour, Robbie will then walk you through how to break down a carcass. This is very hands on experience, will allow you to work your way through understanding the different cuts of the carcass, and using only a knife.

By the end of the course you will leave with absolute confidence you can apply these skills at home.

Lunch – Pasty & Cider

After lunch Robbie will talk you through different fire cooking methods, using Dutch ovens, open fire cooking and South African potjiekos, you will be shown how to create dishes such as curries, slow cooked joints and Bannock traditional campfire bread.

At the end of the day you will be invited to relax and enjoy the brewery and stay for the evening meal with as much cider as you can drink.

The carcass will be shared out between to group to take home.

If you have any questions please contact Robbie directly on 07581015174.

Additional information

Class Dates

12 MAR 22